Luke Chamberlain

Credentials: MS

Position title: GIS Specialist


Luke smiles and wears a brightly colored plaid shirt.

Luke has a Bachelor of Science in environmental science from Cornell University, a Master of Science in human dimensions of natural resources from Colorado State University, and a Master of Science in cartography & geographic information systems (GIS) from UW-Madison.

Luke specializes in GIS analysis, cartography, and data visualization. His previous work centered around using participatory GIS to increase public engagement with wildfire management practices in the Mountain West. At CHDR he focuses on cartographic design and storytelling through maps and data visualizations to more effectively communicate complex data.

Luke’s experiences have led him to an understanding of how data have been used by those in power to consolidate and reinforce their position, and how by making our data more democratic, transparent, and shared we can begin to challenge that power. He identifies as a data feminist and his work in life and at CHDR is informed by the seven principles of data feminism: 

  1. Examine power. 
  2. Challenge power. 
  3. Elevate emotion and embodiment. 
  4. Rethink binaries and hierarchies. 
  5. Embrace pluralism. 
  6. Consider context.
  7. Make labor visible.

Data Feminism by Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren Klein: