Taylor Moker
Credentials: BS
Position title: Research Analyst
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Email: tmoker@wisc.edu
Taylor holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse in public health and community health education. She was involved with the public health honorary Eta Sigma Gamma at UWL as well as the AHEC Scholar program through UW-Madison during her undergraduate studies. At CHDR, Taylor serves as a research analyst on the Residential History Team, where she helps to construct residential timelines for living and decedent participants in the Neighborhood Study.
Taylor has past experience in public health research and literary analysis within the public health realm from her undergraduate degree. She served as an AHEC Scholar where she expanded her knowledge of health challenges and contexts of rural and underserved populations in Wisconsin through a two-year program. She has previous experience with health promotion and advocacy, the nonprofit sector, chronic disease prevention and management, substance use recovery, community resources and asset building, and program implementation and evaluation. She has interests in mental health awareness and health equity.
“Working to eliminate possible ailments and harms now so that our future generations can prosper is something that I see as a priority–the changes we strive for and the work we do has bounds that are so much larger than us and I think that’s impactful in itself.”