Nicole Rogus-Pulia Named Deputy Director for the Center for Health Disparities Research (CHDR)

Dr. Rogus-Pulia joins CHDR deputy directors Barbara Bendlin, Andrea Gilmore Bykovskyi, and director Amy Kind as a member of the Center’s senior leadership team.

The UW School of Medicine and Public Health’s Center for Health Disparities Research (CHDR) is excited to welcome new deputy director, Nicole Rogus-Pulia, PhD, CCC-SLP. 

As the Linda Banov and Howard Stern Faculty Fellow within the UW–Madison Department of Medicine, director of the Swallowing and Salivary Bioscience Research Program in the Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center (GRECC) at the William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital and the multi-site Veteran’s Swallowing Health And Clinical Practice Excellence (Vet-SHAPE) program, and co-lead of the Care Research Core for the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, Dr. Rogus-Pulia brings a breadth of knowledge and experience to her leadership with CHDR. 

Dr. Rogus-Pulia’s exceptional commitment to community-engaged research has led her and her team to create powerful partnerships with a range of community organizations across Wisconsin, including the African Center for Community Development and the Latino Health Council in Dane County, the United Community Center in Milwaukee, and Jamarek, Inc. in Sun Prairie. Dr. Rogus-Pulia’s dedication to community engagement, along with her demonstrated efforts to increase representation in clinical trials and elevate underrepresented groups in the sciences, exemplify the Wisconsin Idea in action and will further CHDR’s mission to bring the benefits of multi-level mechanistic health disparities research to all in Wisconsin and beyond.

The addition of Dr. Rogus-Pulia to CHDR’s leadership team reflects an exciting new moment for the center and we are thrilled to welcome her as a leader in our collaborative efforts to advance science, policy, and practice toward the elimination of health disparities.