Ann Sheehy, MD, MS, Senior Medical Director of Population Health, President, UW Health Accountable Care Organization (ACO), Deputy Director for Health Policy Research in the Center for Health Disparities Research (CHDR) and Professor of Medicine in the Division of Hospital Medicine has accepted the position of Chief Medical Officer and Director of the Office of Planning, Analysis, and Evaluation at the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).
One of thirteen operating divisions of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, HRSA “provides equitable health care to the nation’s highest-need communities.”
Ann joined the UW Hospital Medicine group in 2005, becoming Division Chief in 2010. Over the next decade, the hospitalist program grew from 13 to 80 providers, expanded day and night services across the UW Health-Wisconsin footprint and navigated the COVID-19 pandemic. Ann’s strong interest in health policy and health equity also resulted in numerous peer-reviewed publications, opportunities to testify in the U.S. Congress, and ultimately a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Policy Fellowship from 2021-2022 where she served as health policy fellow in the Office of the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
In 2023, Ann stepped down as Division Chief of Hospital Medicine and accepted the roles of Senior Medical Director of Population Health, President, UW Health ACO and was promoted from Associate to Deputy Director at CHDR. In these roles she was able to continue to promote equitable and value-based health care for UW Health patients and advocate for health equity policy nationally.
During her tenure at UW, she also served as Chair of the University of Wisconsin Athletic Board and Faculty Athletics Representative to the NCAA and Big Ten Conference, University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics Medical Board President, Chair of the Agrace Hospice Board of Directors and member of the Society of Hospital Medicine Board of Directors.
Ann’s last day will be September 21, 2024. Any questions regarding transition planning for population health and the ACO can be directed to Robin Lankton (rlankton@uwhealth.org) or Pete Newcomer (pnewcomer@uwhealth.org). Questions regarding CHDR can be directed to Amy Kind (amy.kind@wisc.edu).